We create events to challenge your staff and get them working together outside the office! We can customize an afternoon, evening, or weekend to suit your needs. If you're looking for a scavenger hunt, field day, bar games, or minute-to-win-it style competition to make your employees love the perks of their job, we can put it together! Need something active to break up a conference? We'll bring the fun! Food? Shirts? No problem, let us do the work for you so you can join in (and take the credit)!

We Bring the Staff ( Drop + Set-up + Pick-up )
Want Music? We'll be your DJ!
We'll supply trophies, championships shirts and prizes!
Pick Your Office or one of our designated locations
We'll do all the work to help you join one of our seasonal leagues!
We know sports, and love to bring our expertise to your outing. Let us organize a 1-game afternoon or evening, all day tournament, or two hours of competition. You pick the sport (some of the most popular are Softball, Kickball, Dodgeball, or an Olympic Challenge), and we'll set it up. From permits, shirts, prizing, officials, equipment, music, cold hydration, food, tents, and more, we'll have all the bases covered while you and your co-workers run them.